Teacher Resources
Dear Educator,
We believe that science fairs are an important means of teaching students about science or engineering through hands-on experiences. Organizing a science fair that ensures the safety of our student researchers and others involved in their projects is a complex task. There are a few important points NEOSEF staff would like to bring to your attention before beginning the science fair process at your school.
- Each student (no group projects permitted) in the fair is required to complete Forms 1, 1A, and 1B. Depending on the student’s project, additional paperwork may be required.
- Online registration (neosef.stemwizard.com) is the only method for student registration. Late entries interfere with our abilities to run a smooth and successful fair. Please plan accordingly.
- Bacteria and microorganisms may not be grown at home! Culturing of bacteria, mold and viruses by students must be done at an institution (such as their school) under proper supervision.
- NEOSEF does not accept toxicity studies or projects that have incidental death rates greater than 25%. Death may not be used as an endpoint in a study, and students should design experiments to avoid harm or death to living organisms.
- Due to judging limitations, the number of entries permitted per school is 10 entries for elementary and middle schools, and 12 entries for high schools.
For help navigating the online registration site, please review the videos linked on this page. In addition, you may request in person support at your school. Please contact Jim Bader at jxb14@case.edu to schedule an appointment.
Here are some documents that you may find helpful:
- Rules and Guidelines – Society for Science
- Common Reasons Projects Fail to Qualify – Society for Science
- Elements of a successful project
- Engineering Design Research Plan Template
- How to write an abstract
- What is plagiarism?
- Category descriptions
- Science Fair Guide – Holt/Rinehart/Winston
- Science Buddies – Free science fair project ideas, answers, and tools for serious students
- Display Board tips from Science Buddies